Autumn Gardening Tips
Mulch Your Garden
Mulches such as Landscape Bark help soil retain moister, inhibit weeds and protect the roots of plants.
“Short of time? Just mulch the base of plants.” Les – Plant Manager, Chertsey

Beautiful Berries
Add colour with berry bearing shrubs such as pyracantha and cotoneaster.
“Berries help feed birds during the winter months.” Kate – Plant Manager, Long Ditton

Feed Our Friends
Support birds with food such as seed mix, fat balls and mealworms.
“Berry bearing plants, such as pyracantha and rowan, are also an excellent food source and look great in your garden.” Dan – Pets & Aquatics Manager

Plant Roses, Trees, Climbers & Shrubs
Plant hardy plants while the ground is warm and moist.
“Use RootGrow when planting to promote strong root growth and healthy establishment.”

Planted Containers
Containers are a great way to add colour to your garden. Use a loam based compost such as John Innes to retain moisture and nutrients, but prevent waterlogging..
“Ensure all your plants require the same ammount of light and moisture. This way your plants will harmonise more effectively giving a better display.”Anna – Assistant Plant Manager, Cobham

New Lawns
Now is the best time to lay turf – the soil is still warm from the summer and moist with autumn rain.
“Prepare your soil; eliminate weeds, use a Lawn and Turf Dressing and level.” George – HR & Training Coordinator

Plant Fruit Trees
“For a glorious blossom come spring, plant fruit trees now.” Shaun – Plant Manager, Crawley

Plant Fruit Bushes
Plant fruit bushes such as raspberries and blackcurrants and be rewarded with an abundance of summer fruit.
“If you’re short of space then grow suitable varieties in containers.” Teresa – Plant Manager, Washington

Herbs All Year
Grow an indoor herb garden with chives, rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano, parsley and mint.
“Choose a sunny spot near a window, as herbs need natural light.” Sally – Product Manager

Beautiful Colour
“Put life back into your beds and containers with violas, cyclamen and pansies.” Tom – Assistant Manager, Badshot Lea

Brighten Your Garden
“Asters and chrysanthemums give great autumn colour, as long as you deadhead them.” Kate – Plant Manager, Long Ditton

Garden Texture
Plant grasses now to give great height, texture and movement to your garden.
“I recommend Festuca ‘Intense Blue'(right) and Pennisetum ‘Fountain Grass’.” Tom – Assistant Manager, Badshot Lea

Tidy Plants
Give shrubs a light prune using secateurs, to keep then in shape.
“Deadhead shrubs and roses, removing and diseased leaves, stems and suckers.” Chris – Plant Manager, Milford

Plant Evergreens
Fill gaps in your borders with evergreens, which give structure and year round interest.
“Soak the pot for up to an hour in a bucket of water before planting.” Michael – Plant Area, Frensham