June Gardening Tips 2023
June is a lovely month and I think we may be in for a horticultural treat this year given that spring arrived so late. Certainly, in my garden, spring and summer blooms are blending in a riot of colour because some of the plants I would have expected to have finished flowering are still blooming, while the roses and bedding are just coming into their own.

Another treat for me was a trip to the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Of course, there were some amazing, intriguing and lovely show gardens, but I am always drawn to the blooms in the floral marquee. As you may know by now, roses are my favourite flower, so I always head to the David Austin and Peter Beales exhibits. True to form they did not disappoint and the scent was incredible. Often Chelsea is where plant breeders introduce new varieties which are then available the following year.

On the David Austin stand, ‘Elizabeth’, introduced in 2022 for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, looked particularly promising. This will be available in our centres this autumn. My father Colin Squire certainly enjoyed the myrrh perfume of ‘Bring me Sunshine’ which, as the name might suggest features orange-yellow blooms which pale over time. Their new introduction at the show, which will be available next year, is ‘Dannahue’ named after The Black Gardener. This has a really interesting apricot bloom.

With huge soft peach, almost peony shaped flowers ‘Louise Peel’, is a new modern shrub rose introduced in 2023 by Peter Beales. This rose simply took my breath away.

Another firm favourite of mine is the Raymond Evison stand. Mr Evison breeds the most beautiful clematis and is based on the lovely island of Guernsey. The exhibit featured over 2,000 clematis plants and included in excess of 35 varieties. Given pride of place was Clematis ‘Tumaini’, ideal for growing in pots or in a border and named to recognise the charitable work undertaken in Tanzania by Guernsey charity, The Tumaini Fund, which supports orphans to gain an education from nursery to university.

Chelsea may be over for another year but if you are able, please do come and visit us at Shepperton where, once again, we are hosting the annual National Rose Festival of the Rose Society on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June. Entry is free and everyone is welcome. You can see some beautiful roses from growers across the country and the scent will be truly amazing! Not to be missed, there will be two talks given by expert rose growers on the Sunday, providing a wonderful opportunity to learn some tips from leading authorities of the rose world. There will also be displays from Walton and Weybridge Flower Club. Find out more here.

We are also hosting the National Sweet Pea Show on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 July at Shepperton. Again, entry is free and everyone is welcome. You can enjoy stunning displays by award-winning growers from across the country. Find out more here.