Become a new Surrey Hills Champion and contribute to a sustainable future for the Surrey Hills

L-R: Simon Whalley (Surrey Hills Enterprises), Sarah Squire (Squire’s) & Gordan Jackson (Surrey Hills Society)

People with a love of the Surrey Hills are being encouraged to sign up to become a Surrey Hills Champion, as part of a newly-launched initiative led by Surrey Hills Enterprises, in conjunction with the Surrey Hills Society and Squire’s Garden Centres.

Through becoming a Surrey Hills Champion, people can play an important part in protecting the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) for future generations, supporting community nature recovery projects and increasing sustainability within the Surrey Hills. Perfect for those looking to show their support and join a community of likeminded individuals, as well as the ideal gift for someone that shares a passion for the local area and surrounding countryside, becoming a Surrey Hills Champion reflects the key values of sustainability, quality and a belief in the importance of local provenance.

For a small annual donation of £25, a native tree will be planted within the Surrey Hills, plus Champions will receive a welcome pack, certificate and sustainable gift in the post, monthly email updates with sustainability project news, the latest events and community services, and news of the very best products from within the Surrey Hills.

They will also have access to exclusive offers for products, experiences and events provided by Surrey Hills Enterprises’ Trade Mark businesses – a mark of local provenance, quality and sustainability – as well as an invitation to an exclusive annual Champions event. All of this will ensure that Surrey Hills Champions gain the sense of being part of a special Surrey Hills community, have the chance to meet others that share their values and support local sustainable businesses in the process.

Simon Whalley, Chairman of Surrey Hills Enterprises, says:

“We are delighted to launch the new Surrey Hills Champion initiative as a way of increasing sustainability within the Surrey Hills and creating a community of likeminded individuals. We hope that many local people will get behind the scheme and show their love of the Surrey Hills, support for the local community and ensure a sustainable future for this special Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.”

Launched this week at Squire’s Milford, the Surrey Hills Champions initiative is a partnership with the Surrey Hills Society, with support from sponsors Squire’s Garden Centres. Each Champion will have a tree or hedgerow planted on their behalf as a tangible means of protecting and preserving the landscape of the Surrey Hills. The first designated site for this nature recovery project will be at Clandon Wood, a 31-acre site left mainly to meadow, within which the newly planted hedgerow and trees will blend the woodlands and grasslands together.

Each Champion’s donation will increase environmental sustainability, encourage native insects and wildlife, support young people to benefit from the healing power of nature and play an important part in helping to reduce climate change. 

Gordon Jackson, Chairman of the Surrey Hills Society, says:

“The Surrey Hills Society is delighted to be collaborating with Surrey Hills Enterprises to implement tree planting and nature recovery projects as part of the Champions programme. Our members are passionate about improving lives and habitats across the Surrey Hills and are extremely conscious of the threats that biodiversity loss and climate change present to our precious environment. This is a great opportunity for everyone to do their bit to help and become champions of the Surrey Hills.”

With a shared passion for excellence, the local community, and a commitment to making better choices for the environment, Squire’s Garden Centres is lending their support to the new Surrey Hills Champions initiative. The family-owned independent business with 16 garden centres, 11 of which are located in Surrey and the rest in surrounding counties, Squire’s provides local communities with a wide range of quality plants and garden products, coupled with genuine service and expert gardening advice, whilst working hard themselves to achieve higher standards of sustainability in all areas of their business.

Sarah Squire, Chairman of Squire’s Garden Centres, says:

“At Squire’s we are proud to be local and are always keen to support regional community initiatives and nearby charities. We are therefore very excited to be able to play a part in launching the new Surrey Hills Champions initiative, which will help to protect the precious Surrey Hills area for the community that enjoys its beauty today and for future generations to come.”

To find out more about becoming a Surrey Hills Champion, visit:


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