Best Pond Plants

If you have a pond then you really should have pond plants. Plants help create and maintain a healthy balanced ecosystem, and they play a large role in keeping your pond in good condition. Pond plants are:
- Great for wildlife – Ponds attract wildlife into your garden very quickly, and plants provide great habitats for wildlife such as fish, amphibians and invertebrates. Submerged plants produce oxygen and provide shade for aquatic life such as newts and frogs.
- Good cleaners – Pond plants absorb nutrients from the water which can prevent nuisance algae from growing, keeping your water clean and clear.
- Attractive – Plants give your pond visual interest and will make it more attractive year-round.
You should aim to have about two thirds of your pond planted. Some of the best pond plants include:
- Waterlily (Nymphaeaceae) – One of the prettiest water plants. They need lots of sun and thrive if feed an aquatic plant food for ponds. They don’t like running or splashing water on their pads. Squire’s stock waterlilies in red, yellow, pink and white.
- Water forget-me-not (Myosotis scorpioides) – A rafting plant that newts lay eggs on. They like shallow water less than 5cm deep, and have clusters of blue flowers from May to September.
- Frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae)– Great for providing shade, this floating plant has rounded leaves, and small white flowers with a yellow spot on each petal.
- Spiked Water Milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) – An oxygenating plant that can grow in deep water. Provides a great habitat for tadpoles and invertebrates.
We have a range of marginals, lilies and floating plants at Squire’s Badshot Lea, Stanmore, Twickenham and Washington.
Squire’s, Badshot Lea Road, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 9JX
Squire’s, Common Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 3JF
Squire’s, Sixth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5PA
Squire’s, London Road, Washington, West Sussex, RH20 3BP