Fancy a job in horticulture? Earn while you learn on Squire’s apprenticeship scheme

Are you looking for a job or want to change career? Ever thought about a career in horticulture? Well Squire’s Garden Centres is recruiting new apprentices now on their ‘Grow Our Own’ scheme.
If you are passionate about plants and want to learn new skills then this could be the job for you! The apprenticeships are open to everyone, school leavers, job changers or the semi-retired.
Apprentices will work across Squire’s sixteen garden centres in the plant department to gain experience and plant knowledge. They will also attend a horticultural college such as Merrist Wood one day a week from September 2021 to study for a formal RHS Level 2 & 3 qualification, and Squire’s will pay for the tuition fees.
Apprenticeships are offered on a 2-year contract, and pay is at Squire’s normal hourly rate, which means that you will earn while you learn!
“The apprentice programme gave me a greater understanding of the commercial part of the business,” said Deborah Nugent, previous apprentice at Squire’s and now a valued permanent member of the team at their Badshot Lea centre.
“The opportunity of academic learning and retail experience is unique and offered me a great insight into the business.”
Squire’s is a successful family business celebrating their 85th anniversary this year. They are known for being customer-focused, creative, fast paced, energetic and friendly. There are sixteen Squire’s Garden Centres across Surrey, Sussex, Berkshire, North and West London.
For more information about their ‘Grow Our Own’ apprenticeship programme or to apply visit or email Applications are encouraged at any time.