Our Love Affair for Lawns

We’ve always had a love affair for lawns, in fact some would say that the British are obsessed with their lawn. Large or small, neat or natural, most people want some green space in their back garden. But how best to use your lawn? And how should you keep it in tip top condition?

“There’s a lawn style for everyone. You just need to think about who is going to be using your lawn, and what it is going to be used for,” says Sarah Squire, Chairman at Squire’s Garden Centres.

“Young children and pets usually want to run around on the grass, while adults might prefer more sedate activities! At the moment, your lawn may be the place you entertain your family and friends within the rule of six. If you can, it’s great to leave an area of your lawn long to attract wildlife into your garden,” added Sarah.

Lawns are great for so many things

  • For the kids – To feel the grass between their toes, run around on, make a daisy chain, eat ice cream (no mess to clear up!), or look for a four-leaf clover.
  • For entertaining – Enjoy drinks and nibbles, a picnic, or place a table and chairs on the grass and have dinner al fresco.
  • For lounging – Put out a comfortable chair, sun lounger or a rug, and relax.
  • For fun garden games – Play swing ball, giant Jenga, Boulle or croquet. Or if your lawn is big enough, throw a frisbee or mark out a badminton court or football goal.
  • For water fun – Have a water pistol battle, run through the sprinkler, or splash in the paddling pool.
  • For camping out – Not going on holiday this year? Then put up a tent in your garden and camp out under the stars.
  • For wellbeing – Become more grounded by spending a few minutes walking barefoot on the grass. It is said to harmonise our electromagnetic energy, allowing it to vibrate at the same frequency as the earth’s surface. This helps our energy flow more freely making us feel good.
  • For pets – Cats and dogs love playing and relaxing on the lawn. Make sure that you chose pet-safe products such as Mo Bacter Moss Remover which also feeds your lawn for up to 100 days.
  • For wildlife – Be truly green and let your lawn go wild. Don’t mow it and embrace the daisies and dandelions, or create your very own wildflower meadow and let nature thrive.

Five simple steps to a lovely lawn: 

  1. Feed – Apply fertiliser now to help your lawn grow stronger and greener. Go organic with a natural lawn fertiliser such as Westland SafeLawn which is also child and pet friendly. Feed your lawn just before it rains, or sprinkle with a hose to help nutrients reach the roots.
  2. Make the first cut – Set the mower blades at their highest setting, then gradually lower the blades for a closer trim. Cut your lawn about once a week in spring and up to twice a week in summer, mowing until October. Wildflower lawns can be mown after flowering, then left for four to six weeks between cuts.
  3. Manage the moss – Use a scarifying rake or lawn aerator to manually remove moss, or apply a time-saving moss remover product. This will boost your lawns health, and improve how it looks and feels.
  4. Fill the gaps – Bald patches are easy to repair. Create a smooth surface then scatter grass seed or a patch repair product such as Miracle-Gro Patch Magic, and water in gently. Protect seed from hungry birds with netting or fleece, pegged down firmly.
  5. Neaten the edges – Create a crisp new edge with a half-moon tool. Then relax and enjoy your lawn.

Whether you like neat bowling green stripes, or a more natural lawn, Squire’s Garden Centres has lots of products to help. Shop instore or online for local delivery.


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