Roses for all reasons

Roses are undoubtably the Nation’s, and probably the world’s favourite flower. “Whether you’re one of the estimated 3 million new gardeners in the UK, or a seasoned plant-lover, everyone should plant a rose,” says Sarah Squire, Chairman of Squire’s Garden Centres.

They are easy to grow and will flower year after year, bringing amazing colour and fragrance to fences, arches, borders and patio pots. They are perfect for that cottage garden look and as a companion for many other plants, as well as providing blooms to cut and enjoy indoors. Without doubt they are a must have in my garden.”

There are hundreds of species of rose, each with their own beauty, colour and scent. So much symbolism surrounds this most English of flowers. Red roses are known to celebrate love and romance, while yellow roses are thought to mark friendship and joy, and pink roses can be a sign of grace and elegance. Purple roses are often thought to represent royalty and opulence, whereas peach roses may stand for sincerity and gratitude.

Whatever colour you prefer, here are some of the best roses to plant in your garden this year.

Roses for pots and borders

Small to medium-sized roses and compact varieties grow well in pots, or in the middle of beds and borders. They like a rich deep soil or compost and, if you plant them now, you’ll enjoy colourful blooms from June to September.

  • Mum in a Million – Well scented and long flowering, height 1.2m
  • Ebb Tide – A new variety with plum frilled petals and a spicy citrus fragrance, height 75cm
  • Grandma’s Rose – Lightly scented and ideal for containers, height 75cm

Roses for cutting

Roses last longer indoors if you cut the stems early in the morning while the air is cool. For added impact, why not combine with cut stems of alchemilla, alstroemeria, salvia or phlox which all grow in a sunny garden.

  • Timeless Collection – Designed specifically for cutting this pretty collection looks gorgeous in the border or in a patio container. Choose from Pink, Purple, Charisma or Cream, height 1m

Roses for climbing

With longer stems and a spreading habit, climbing roses look amazing when planted against a wall or fence, or grown over an arch or an obelisk. Some varieties bloom once in a crescendo of colour, while others produce flowers over many months.

  • Scent From Heaven – A highly fragranced repeat boomer, height 3m
  • Sommergold – A new variety which is lightly-scented and bee-friendly, height 2.75m

You can buy roses online for local delivery or shop in-store subject to strict social distancing measures. Stock varies by centre and is subject to availability.


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