Wildlife Care Tips

Encourage wildlife into your garden

February is an important time of year to care for wildlife as the cold and wintery weather can make it hard for birds, animals and insects to find food, water, shelter and nesting sites.

There are many ways that you can help wildlife in your garden:

  • A pond will diversify your garden ecosystem – Make sure your pond has lots of weed so that water creatures can hunt and hide.
  • Grow pollinator rich flowers for bees and butterflies – Support pollinators by selecting plants that provide nectar across all four seasons
  • Leave fresh water out for hedgehogs – Create a wild area in a section of your garden where hedgehogs can nest and snuffle for insects.
  • Keep bird baths clean for drinking and bathing – Position bird baths away from feeders and clean regularly to stop water becoming stagnant.
  • Leave out food for birds – Provide a variety of seeds, nuts, grains, fruits and fats to satisfy the needs of a range of bird species.
  • Create log piles for insects and beetles – Building a log pile benefits wildlife and attracts insects to your garden
  • Provide shelter by making a leaf pile or buy a hedgehog house – This will help hedgehogs who are prone to waking from hibernation early in mild weather

“Any garden, however small, can be made in to a nature reserve, helping local wildlife and giving you the opportunity of viewing these beautiful creatures up close. A pond, lawn, hedge, trees, shrubs and native flowers will all help attract wildlife into your garden,” said Sarah Squire, Chairman of Squire’s Garden Centres.

February is also the start of the breeding season for wild birds, which is why ‘National Nestbox Week’ is celebrated from 14th February each year to encourage everyone to put up more nestboxes in their local area.

“The more boxes you have, the greater the chance of birds nesting. Provide enough space between them though, as birds are territorial,” commented Rupert Sleight, Assistant Centre Manager at Squire’s Badshot Lea.

Squire’s Garden Centres has 15% off all wildlife food, shelters and accessories from 14 February to 7 March 2021. Click here to shop online for local delivery (use code WILD15) or shop in-store with strict social distancing measures.


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